Smooth Fitness RB5 User Manual
Page 28

Bef ore using this product, please consult your personal physician for a complete physical examination. Frequent and strenuous
exercise should be approved by your doctor f irst. If any discomf ort should result f rom your use of this product, stop exercising and
consult y our doctor. Proper usage of this product is essential. Please read your manual caref ully before exercising.
Please keep all children away f rom the equipment during use and when equipment is unattended.
Alway s wear appropriate clothing, including athletic shoes, when exercising. Do not wear loose clothing that could become caught
during exercising.
Make sure that all bolts and nuts are tightened when equipment is in use. Periodic maintenance is required on all exercise
equipment to keep it in good condition.
Before beginning:
How y ou begin y our exercise program depends on your physical condition. If you have been inactiv e f or several years, or are
sev erely ov erweight, you must start slowly and increase your time gradually, a f ew minutes per week.
Initially y ou may be able to exercise only for a f ew minutes in y our target zone. Howev er, y our aerobic f itness will improv e ov er the
next six to eight weeks. Don’t be discouraged if it takes longer. It’s important to work at your own pace. Ultimately, y ou’ll be able
to exercise continuously for 30 minutes. And the better y our aerobic f itness, the harder you will have to work to stay in your target
zone. But remember these essentials:
• Contact your physician before starting a workout or training program. Hav e y our doctor review y our training and diet
programs to advise y ou of a workout routine you should adopt.
• Begin y our training program slowly with realistic goals that have been set by you and y our doctor.
• Supplement your program with some ty pe of aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing and/or
bicy cling. Monitor your pulse frequently. If y ou do not have an electronic heart rate monitor, hav e y our physician show
y ou the proper way to manually check your pulse by using your wrist or neck. Establish your target heart rate based on
y our age and condition.
Drink plenty of f luids during the course of your routine. Y ou must replace the water content lost f rom excessive exercising
to av oid dehy dration. Avoid drinking large amounts of cold liquids. Fluids should be at room temperature when