Treating the water, Chlorine content, I - putting the pool into service – Swim'n Play Above Ground Swimming Pool User Manual

Page 12: Ii - maintenance, Iii - anti-algate tretment, Iv - flocculation, V - winter care

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WARNING: The information contained in

the following sections about Water

Treatment and Filtering are generalities. If

you acquire any of these materials, we

recommend that you follow the instructions

which accompany the given product

In order to keep the pool water clean and

clear, you must use a disinfecting agent. Its

role is to kill off any micro-organism and

bacteria contained in the water and to pre-

vent algae growth. Disinfection involves two

main factors: the water’s acidity (pH) and its

chlorine content.
The pH value indicates whether a given body

of water is acid or alkaline and to what

The water in a swimming pool must have a

pH value ranging between 7.2 and 7.6.

Beyond this level, the action of chlorine is

considerably inhibited and the water can

become irritating. If the pH value is below 7.2

the water is aggressive and can be the cause

of corrosion of the metal parts of pool appli-



This is measured in milligram-liters (mgl) of

active chlorine. This value must be situated

between 0.4 and 1 mgl. The water must be

tested for pH and chlorine values by colori-

metric analysis, using an analysis kit. We

strongly recommend that you replace the

kit’s reagents once a year. Observe the

instructions provided with the kit.



When reopening the pool or refilling it with

water, the following operations should be



Check the pH value, which should be situated

between 7.2 and 7.6. Use the analysis kit. If

the pH value found is higher than 7.6, use

“pH MOINS” (pH decreaser);
If the pH value found is lower than 7.2, use

“pH PLUS” (pH increaser).
Comply with the dosages indicated on the



Check the active chlorine value, which must

be at least 0.4mgl.
If the value found is lower than this, use

chlore rapide (rapid action chlorine) in gran-

ulated or tablet form in order to rapidly

rebuild the minimum active chlorine level.
For normal operating, place the 200g or 600g

chlore lent (slow action chlorine) chlorine

cakes in the skimmer (200g for 25 m3

water). The slow distribution of this chlorine

will keep the chlorine values of your pool sta-

ble for approximately 8 to 10 days.
WARNING: It is very important that chlorine

products be placed exclusively in the skim-


3-Stabilizing agent

Sun rays and warm water temperatures

decompose chlorine, largely imparing its dis-

infecting capacity and leading to increased

chlorine requirements. In order to eliminate

this problem, when filling the pool, use the

stabilisant stabilizing agent.
This operation need not be renewed as long

as the pool is not drained. Please see the

instructions provided with the technical

description of the product.
Please note that addition of too much stabi-

lizing agent will have a chlorine-inhibiting

effect. In this case, it suffices to eliminate 2

to 3% of the water in the pool every week,

preferably during cleaning operations.

4-Water-softening agent

If using hard water (containing lime), initial

treatment is very important. In order to pre-

vent lime deposits in the pool or in the filter,

use a water-softening or anti-liming product,

following the instructions on the package.


When all the above operations have been suc-

cessfully performed (pH, Chlorine, stabilizing

agent and anti-liming agent), it is importante to

ensure proper maintenance:

1- Once a week, control pH and

chlorine levels.

The pH value is generally quite stable, but it can

be modified by adding water to the pool and by

the use of organic chlorine (e.g. Javel water or

Clorox), which often raises the water pH level and

decomposes rapidly.

2-Check chlorine level.

If it has dropped below 0.4mgl, use chlore

rapide (rapid action chlorine).


(slow action chlorine; 200g or 600g) in the

skimmer. Do not wait for them to dissolve

entirely before adding the new ones.


1-Preventive treatment:

At the dosage prescribed above, chlorine

also acts as an algicide. Stormy weather, fre-

quent use of the pool, faulty filtering are fac-

tors which can increase the rate of algae

formation, resulting in slippery, slightly

greenish walls. In this case, do not hesitate

to apply a high chlorine dosage and leave the

filter on around the clock.

2-High-dosage algicide:

If in spite of this measure the algae do not

disappear, use a very active algicide.


Certain very fine organic particles may not be

sufficiently filtered by sand filter action. The

use of a flocculating agent will enhance the

efficiency of filtering, thus eliminating all

suspended particles in pool water.
Start by putting the flocculating agent into

the filter. If it turns out that this is insuffi-

cient, perform flocculation directly in the

pool itself. Observe the instructions on the



1. If thru wall skimmer inlet and outlets are

used, the skimmer must be blocked off with

a block off plate to prevent any water from

laying in the skimmer. The return fitting

must also be blocked off by using a plug on

the inside of the pool. It is very important

that the return fitting not protrude into the

pool and that water is not allowed to flow

into the skimmer. If this is not followed,

when the ice in your pool forms it will grab

onto your skimmer and return fittings, and if

the ice should shift it will rip your wall at

these locations.
2. A properly sized ice compensator (pool

pillow) must be secured in the pool water to

relieve the ice pressure that can exert severe

pressure on the pool wall.
3. Proper chemicals must be used in order to

prevent algae growth throughout the winter.

A strong concentration of chlorine and an

algaecide will help.
4. A cover must be used to keep out dirt and

debris from the pool. It is important when

securing the cover that enough slack is used

so that it rests on the top of the water so that

the pressure is not on the pool frame. A

build up of snow on the top of the cover

should be removed.
While the pool is winterized it is important

that it remain undisturbed throughout the

winter months.