En g li sh – Jabra PURR JX20 User Manual

Page 14

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Jabra JX20 Pura

Limitation of Warranty
This warranty is only valid for the original purchaser and will

automatically terminate prior to expiration if this product is

sold or otherwise transferred to another party . The warranty

provided by Gn in this statement applies only to products

purchased for use, and not for resale . It does not apply to open

box purchases, which are sold “as is” and without any warranty .

specifically exempt from warranty are limited-life consumable

components subject to normal wear and tear, such as microphone

windscreens, ear cushions, modular plugs, ear tips, decorative

finishes, batteries, and other accessories . This warranty is invalid

if the factory-applied serial number, date code label, or product

label has been altered or removed from this product . This

Warranty does not cover cosmetic damage or damage due to

misuse, abuse, negligence, acts of nature, accident, disassembling

or modification of, or to any part of, the product . This Warranty

does not cover damage due to improper operation, maintenance

or installation, or attempted repair by anyone other than Gn or

a Gn dealer which is authorized to do Gn warranty work . any

unauthorized repairs will void this warranty .
rePaIrs or rePlaCemenTs as ProvIded under ThIs

WarranTy are The eXClusIve remedy of The Consumer . Gn

shall noT be lIable for anyInCIdenTal or ConseQuenTIal

damaGes for breaCh of any eXPress orImPlIed WarranTy

on ThIs ProduCT . eXCePT To The eXTenT ProhIbITed by

laW, ThIs WarranTy Is eXClusIve and In lIeu of all oTher

eXPress and ImPlIed WarranTIes WhaT so ever, InCludInG

buT noT lImITed To The WarranTy of merChanTabIlITy and

fITness for a PraCTICal PurPose .
noTe! This warranty gives you specific legal rights . you may

have other rights which vary from location to location . some

jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental

or consequential damages or implied warranties, so the above

exclusions may not apply to you . This warranty does not affect your

legal (statutory) rights under your applicable national or local laws .