3 charging the headset with the travel charger, 4 communicating with a pc, En g li sh – Jabra GO 6470 User Manual

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Jabra GO 6470 User manUal

10.3 chaRging the headSet with the tRavel chaRgeR

to charge the headset using the travel Charger, insert the headset into the travel Charger and connect the

mini-UsB port on the travel Charger to one of three power sources, as shown below. to charge the headset, insert

it into the travel Charger and connect the mini-UsB port on the travel Charger to a power source as illustrated

below. the headset led will change from red to yellow while charging, then to green when fully charged. If the

headset is functioning while charging, the led can change to other colours and blink to indicate other events/

changes in state. see the section “headset visual Indicators (led)” for more.

Tip: the charge time from mains power is about the same as for charging from the base. the charge time

from either pC or car cigarette-lighter socket is much longer.

Figure 76: Charging the headset with the travel Charger

10.4 coMMunicating with a Pc

you can use the programs of the Jabra pC suite to make headset settings and to update the headset firmware.

Usually you will do this via the touchscreen, but you can also do so by connecting the headset directly to your pC

via the travel Charger and its UsB connection.
see also Chapter 5: Installing and Running the Jabra PC Suite for more information about configuring your headset

from your pC and updating its firmware.