Jacuzzi Riva 5 and Soaking Bath 9360 User Manual

Soaking Bath
model numBeR:
exteRioR dimenSionS:
62" long x 43" wide x
19" high
inteRioR dimenSionS:
41" long x 26" wide
WhiRlpool Bath
model numBeR:
9330 — Left-hand
exteRioR dimenSionS:
62" long x 43" wide x
19" high
inteRioR dimenSionS:
41" long x 26" wide
# of JetS/type of JetS:
4 TheraPro™ Jets,
1 AccuPro™ Lumbar Jet
opeRating gallonS:
48 gallons
evoking the breathtaking beauty and ancient maritime
tradition of the northern italian town for which it is
named, the Riva
is true to form—an elegant classic. and
truly versatile—at home in both traditional and more
contemporary interior design.
WhiRlpool Bath featuReS:
• Sculpted armrest.
• Contoured backrest.
• 4 Fully adjustable TheraPro™ jets
• 1 Directionally adjustable AccuPro™ lumbar jet.
• Exclusive Tru-Level™ base system.
• Slip-resistant bottom.
• Patented Silent Air™ Induction system.
• Drain included on whirlpool baths
WhiRlpool Bath and Soaking Bath
Detail: The Jacuzzi Magic Touch
control system makes customizing your
bath in the Riva
whirlpool bath easy. 4 massaging TheraPro™ jets
soothe sore, tired muscles.