Jet Tools JFM-5 User Manual
Page 3

Versatile Work Table
The JET JFM-5 Hollow Chisel Mortiser features a large 20”-
wide by 7”-deep cast iron worktable with a 3 ½”-tall fence at the
rear. A pre-cut and drilled MDF table surface board is included
that protects your bits when drilling through mortises.
The worktable has built in X-axis (side to side) and Y-axis
(front to back) movement functions that eliminate having to buy
an X-Y vise. Movement of the table in the X and Y-axis are
individually controlled by 5”-diameter handwheels, each
with a spinner knob that speeds large changes. Tool-free
adjustable stops on the X-axis makes cutting multiple
mortises of the same size easy and accurate. We also
include a fully adjustable work stop that attaches to the top
of the fence from either side to make initial positioning of
the material quick and repeatable.
The large work table surface and the
adjustable stop make cutting several
mortises fast, easy and accurate.
Because the worktable has a total movement of 16” on the
X-axis (left to right) and 4” on the Y–axis (front to back)
most mortise jobs can be clamped in place after initial
positioning and all further adjustments done with the handwheels. That is a huge time saver,
along with a boon to accuracy. The table movement gives the JET JFM-5 Hollow Chisel
Mortiser a maximum chisel center to fence clearance of 4”.
Large handwheels provide smooth, accurate
control over the table movements.
To hold the stock securely while mortising we added a heavy-duty
quick-adjust screw clamp with a huge 2 5/8”-tall by 8”-long cast
iron face. That face also has a pair of predrilled screw holes that
make attaching an auxiliary face or shop-built jigs simple. The
clamp is mounted directly to the table with a special pivoting
mount. Being able to pivot the clamp simplifies securing many
angled or oddly shaped work pieces, while the quick-adjust feature
allows for fast set-up and adjustments.
Auger/Chisel Sets
Because so many woodworkers use one or two chisel sizes for their
projects, we do not include a set that would contain unused pieces that add to the price
unnecessarily. JET auger/chisel sets are available individually from your favorite JET dealer in
¼” (#6285526), 5/16” (#6285527), 3/8” (#6285528), ½” (#6285529) and ¾” (#708594), or in a 5
piece set (#708595).
The large work vise has a special
quick-adjust feature, plus it can be
rotated to make clamping angled
or odd shaped work pieces much