Supercharger installation instructions – Jackson Automobile Battery Charger User Manual

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the center of the idler pulleys, tighten the rear bolt
to secure the position. Shut off the engine and tight-
en the other bracket bolt securely. Recheck all
mounting bolts for tightness.

This is a CARB-legal supercharger kit. For CARB-
legal compliance, your PowerCard has been preset
to CARB-legal settings. The three adjustment
modes that can still be accessed no longer adjust
the fuel settings. The tune is safe and conservative
and has been tested in cold, hot, mountain and
desert conditions. However, for trouble shooting
and testing the PowerCard prior to driving, follow
these procedures. Start your engine. The lights on
the PowerCard display will energize. With a proper
installation, you will see a sequence of lights run
from left to right and then a single green light at
position one. This single green light will flash every
two seconds when the engine is running but there
is no boost. If PowerCard doesn’t power up after 4
seconds double check your power and ground.
One or both are incorrectly hooked up. The single
green light may “flicker,” however a flashing green
and flashing red together indicate improper hookup
of the injector leads and PowerCard is not getting
an injector signal. If this happens, recheck installa-
tion of wiring to the injector leads. That said, when
decelerating it is possible to see the flashing green
and red together. This is perfectly normal as most
engine ECUs will shut off the injectors under
extended periods of deceleration. However, if you
get a flashing green and red at idle, PowerCard is
not seeing the injector signal and you must recheck
your installation. Make certain that the spade con-
nectors are inserted properly into the square slot of
the t-tap, and not off to the side. If you can see the
silver spade connector through the translucent insu-
lation, then you need to disconnect and properly
reconnect this connection.

Restart your engine. Using the idle airscrew on
your throttle body (now on the back of the super-
charger), adjust your idle speed to 950-rpm after
the engine is warm. This can best be approximat-
ed by closing the screw completely (turning clock-
wise) and backing it out one and a half turns
counter-clockwise. Adjust further to reach the
950-rpm value. Next, turn your headlights on
BRIGHT and put your heater fan on HIGH. Leave
the air conditioning off. Rev the engine briskly in
neutral to at least 2500 rpm and release. Notice if
the idle stops at 900 rpm. If it dips below this level
and feels like it will stall, then recovers to 950

rpm, open the idle airscrew (counterclockwise
rotation) one-eighth of a turn at a time until most
of this “droop” disappears. A slight droop of 200
rpm or less is acceptable and normal. More than
that may create a stalling problem during driving.
Turn off the lights and heater fan and double
check that your idle speed is 950 rpm. If you
open the idle screw too much, you will create too
high of an idle speed when the lights and fan are
turned off. You also may possibly introduce a
stumble on part throttle to full throttle accelera-
tions. In addition, a slow return to idle behavior
will occur.

9.3 If you have difficulty stabilizing the drooping
idle problem, adjust your dashpot to help in slow-
ing the throttle’s closing. The factory specification
is that the dashpot tip just begins to touch the
throttle arm at 2500 rpm. Have an assistant hold
the engine at 2500 rpm from the driver’s seat.
The dashpot tip should just be touching the throt-
tle arm. Adjust the dashpot so that this contact
point is at 3000 rpm or more to help with the
drooping idle. Your Miata will drive best with the

Supercharger Installation Instructions

999-156, 999-157, 999-158 & 999-159


Revised 06/08