Everyday operation – JVC TU-DB1SFR User Manual

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If no digital terrestrial television broadcasts are
found the receiver will display a message:

You should then refer to the Troubleshooting Guide
on page 20 to establish the cause of the problem.

When you have finished watching digital terrestrial
broadcasting, you may wish to switch the receiver
to standby to save power - although the receiver can
remain powered up continuously, even when the
te levi sion is tur ned off , wi thou t h arm to t he
television or itself.


In standby, the receiver still consumes power
an d t here by con tri bute s t o a ir and wat er
pollution and the exhaustion of the World's
natural resources. Overnight, or when your
rec eive r is not going to be u sed f or l ong
periods of time, you can turn it off at the mains
an d t his wil l s ave ene rgy (a nd save yo ur
money). You will not have to re-install the
receiver when it is turned on again.


While using the STB to the full there are great many
buttons to use in different situations. Many of the
m enu screens displayed by the receiver have
reminders as to which keys do what, at the base of
the screen. In addition, many screens have further
help available which is displayed when the [i] key
is pressed, as prompted at the bottom right of the

Providing your TV set SCART socket has switch
control, pressing the [TV/DTV] key at any time while
watching television programmes will switch the TV
set between displaying the digital terrestrial
television programme and its normal analogue
television reception.


You can choose the channel by using the P /
buttons or the number buttons.

W he n us i ng t he n u m b er b u tt on s, e n te r th e
programme number as follows.

Example: PR6

press 6, PR12

press 12 ,


press 1,2 and 3.


The channel list numbers are assigned by the
broadcasters. Because not all channels are
broadcast free-to-air and stored by the receiver,
t h e c h a n n e l l i s t n u m b e r s d o n o t r u n
continuously. The fifteenth channel in the list,
for example, may not be channel number 15 but
channel number 17.


I f y o u e n t e r a n u m b e r w h i c h d o e s n o t
correspond to a stored channel, the next valid
channel number is selected instead. If you enter
a number greater than the highest numbered
channel in the channel list, the receiver will
select the last channel in the list.

Information Banner

Whenever you change channel, using the [P+] and
[P-] keys or the number keys, the receiver displays
the channel picture along with an information banner
at the bottom of the screen. This will remain on the
screen for approximately three seconds. The
information banner can also be displayed at any
time while watching TV by pressing the [i] key on the
remote control. Pressing the [i] key again removes
the banner.


Not all channels broadcast the programme
data. If the name and times of the programme
i s no t av ai l ab le t he n ‘ No I nf or m at io n’ i s
displayed in the information banner.

The information banner gives a number of facts on
the channel selected and the programmes on it. The
name of the channel is displayed, along with its
channel list number and an indication of the strength
of the signal received on this tuning channel.

The name and the start and finish time of the
programme currently showing on the selected
channel are given, and the current time.