The electrolux group. the world’s no. 1 choice – Jonsered LM2150 CMD User Manual
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Electrolux Outdoor Products
Via Como 72
23868 Valmadrera (Lecco)
Phone +39 0341 203111 - Fax +39 0341 581671 -
Our policy of continuous improvement means that the specification of products may be altered from time to time without prior notice.
Electrolux Outdoor Products manufacture products for a number of well known brands under various registered patents, designs and
trademarks in several countries.
© Electrolux Outdoor Products Italy
The Electrolux Group is the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million
Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold
each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world.
PN 249340 REV. 01 (02/04)
The Electrolux Group. The world’s No. 1 choice
Electrolux Outdoor Products
Via Como 72
23868 Valmadrera (Lecco)
Phone +39 0341 203111 - Fax +39 0341 581671 -
Our policy of continuous improvement means that the specification of products may be altered from time to time without prior notice.
Electrolux Outdoor Products manufacture products for a number of well known brands under various registered patents, designs and
trademarks in several countries.
© Electrolux Outdoor Products Italy
The Electrolux Group is the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million
Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold
each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world.
PN 249340 REV. 01 (02/04)
The Electrolux Group. The world’s No. 1 choice
Electrolux Outdoor Products
Via Como 72
23868 Valmadrera (Lecco)
Phone +39 0341 203111 - Fax +39 0341 581671 -
Our policy of continuous improvement means that the specification of products may be altered from time to time without prior notice.
Electrolux Outdoor Products manufacture products for a number of well known brands under various registered patents, designs and
trademarks in several countries.
© Electrolux Outdoor Products Italy
The Electrolux Group is the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million
Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold
each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world.
PN 249340 REV. 01 (02/04)
The Electrolux Group. The world’s No. 1 choice
DÔLEŽITÉ UPOZORNENIE: Než začnete prístroj používať,
pozorne si prečítajte túto príručku. Príručku si pone-
chajte, neskôr ju môžete znovu potrebovať
POMEMBNA NAVODILA: Pozorno preberite navodila.
Dobro jih morate razumeti, preden začnete uporabljati
to orodje.
SVARBI INFORMACIJA: prieš pradedant dirbti įrenginiu, prašome
atidžiaiperskaityti šią instrukciją ir įsitikinti, kad viską supratote.
Išsaugokite ją tolimesniam naudojimui.