Before you begin 3 – JBL Professional JBL SR-X Speakers 981-00052-02 User Manual
Page 3

Before You Begin
Important information
Before using your SR-X Series speaker system, please review the following for important information on
safety and protection of your investment in quality loudspeakers.
Rigging / suspending SR-X products
SR-X Series speakers are designed for portable applications in which the speakers will be stacked directly
on the floor, stage, speaker stands (SR4702X, SR4722X only), other speakers, or a solid, stable platform.
SR-X Series speakers have no provisions for hanging, rigging or suspension.
SR-X/F Series speakers are similar to SR-X and in addition have provisions for flying. SR-X/F versions
should always be substituted for SR-X if flying or suspending the speaker system is required.
For further information on suspending speakers contact JBL and request Technical Note Volume 1,
Number 14 – “Basic Principles for Suspending Loudspeaker Systems”.
Stand mounting
Some SR-X models (SR4702X, SR4722X) include a receptacle cup to facilitate mounting on tripod stands.
When using these stands, be sure to observe the following precautions:
• Check the stand specification to be certain it is designed to support the weight of the speaker. Observe
all safety precautions specified by the stand manufacturer.
• Always verify that the stand is placed on a flat, level, and stable surface.
• Route cables so that performers, crew, and audience will not trip over them and pull the speaker over.
• Be sure to fully extend the legs of tripod type stands.
• Position the stand so that the legs do not present a trip hazard.
• Do not attempt to place more than one speaker on a stand.
• Always be cautious in windy, outdoor conditions. It may be necessary to place additional weight
(i.e. sandbags) on the base of the stand to improve stability.
Stacking speakers
Safety precautions should be observed when stacking SR-X speakers.
• Verify that the floor or stage on which the speakers will be stacked is flat, level and solid.
• When used outdoors, be aware of winds that could tip a tall speaker stack over.
• Position the speakers to minimize the possibility that performers, crew, or audience will bump into them.
• Under extreme, high-SPL conditions it’s possible that speakers on a highly polished surface can “creep.”
(i.e. move due to the power of the acoustic energy) Precautions should be taken so that such creeping
will not result in toppling of the speaker stack.
Hearing damage, prolonged exposure to excessive SPL
SR-X series loudspeakers are easily capable of generating sound pressure levels (SPL) sufficient to cause
permanent hearing damage to performers, production crew and audience members. Proper precautions
should be taken to avoid prolonged exposure to SPL in excess of 85dB.
Exposure to moisture, outdoor applications
While SR-X Series loudspeakers will work great for outdoor sound reinforcement, they are not “weather-
proof” and are not intended for continuous exposure to extremes of humidity, temperature, salt air, or
UV rays. Exposure to outdoor environmental conditions may result in premature failure of components as
well as degradation to appearance.