Starting and programmes, Briefly: starting a programme, Programme table – Indesit WIL 144 SP User Manual
Page 8

Starting and Programmes
Briefly: starting a programme
1. Switch the washing machine on by pressing button
All the LEDS will light up for a few seconds and
the ON-OFF/DOOR LOCK Led will begin to flash.
2. Load your laundry into the washing machine and
shut the appliance door.
3. Set the PROGRAMME knob to the programme
4. Set the wash temperature (see page 9).
5. Add the detergent and any fabric softener (see page 10).
6. Start the programme by pressing the START/RESET
button for one second. Once the programme has
been accepted all of the option and status LED's
will illuminate momentarily, the Door Lock LED
will be lit and the relevant wash cycle progress
LED will also be lit.
To cancel it, keep the START/RESET button pressed
for at least 2 seconds.
7. When the programme is finished, the ON-OFF/
DOOR LOCK Led will flash to indicate that the
appliance door can be opened. Take out your
laundry and leave the appliance door ajar to allow
the drum to dry thoroughly. Turn the washing
machine off by pressing button
Typ e of fa b ric a nd
d e gre e of soil
P rogra m m e s
Te m p e -
ra ture
D e te rge nt
Fab ric
Sta in re m ova l
op tion /b le a c h
(m inute s)
D e sc rip tion of w a sh c yc le
p re-
w a s h
w a s h
S tan d ard
Extrem ely soiled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.)
9 0 °C
1 3 5
Pre-wash, wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Extrem ely soiled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.)
9 0 °C
D elicate/
Trad itio n al
1 2 5
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites and fast
6 0 °C
D elicate/
Trad itio n al
1 1 0
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites and
delicate colou rs
4 0 °C
D elicate/
Trad itio n al
1 0 5
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
S lig h tly soiled w hites an d
delicate colo u rs (sh irts,
ju m pers, etc.)
4 0 °C
D elicate/
Trad itio n al
7 0
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled fast colou rs
(baby lin en , etc.)
0 °C
D elicate
7 5
W ash cycle, rin se cycles, an ti-
crease o r delicate spin cycle
Heavily soiled fast colou rs
(baby lin en , etc.)
4 0 °C
D elicate
6 0
W ash cycle, rin se cycles, an ti-
crease o r delicate spin cycle
W o o l
4 0 °C
5 0
W ash cycle, rin se cycles , an ti-
crease an d delicate spin cycle
Very delicate fab rics
(cu rtain s, silk, visco se, etc.)
3 0 °C
4 5
W ash cycle, rin se cycles , an ti-
crease o r d rain in g cycle
Tim e 4 y o u
Heavily soiled whites and fast
6 0 °C
6 0
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
S lig h tly soiled w hites an d
delicate colo u rs (sh irts,
ju m pers, etc.)
4 0 °C
5 0
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
D elicate colou rs (all types of
slightly soiled garm en ts)
4 0
4 0
W ash cycle, rin se cycles,
delicate spin cycle
D elicate colou rs (all types of
slightly soiled garm en ts)
1 0
3 0 °C
3 0
W ash cycle, rin se cycles an d
d elicate spin cycle
S p o rt
Sports shoes (MAX. 2 pairs)
1 1
3 0
5 0
C o ld w as h (w ith o u t d eterg en ts ),
w as h cycle, rin se cycles, an d
d elicate s pin cycle
F abrics for sportswear
(Tracksuits, shorts, etc.)
1 2
3 0 °C
6 0
Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled fabrics for
(Tracksuits, shorts, etc.)
1 3
3 0 °C
D elicate/
Trad itio n al
6 0
P re-w ash , w ash cycle, rin se
cycles, in term ed iate an d fin al
spin cycles
R in se
D elicate/
Trad itio n al
R in se cycles an d spin cycle
S pin cycle
Draining and spin cycle
D rain
D rain in g
Programme table
-For programmes 7 and 8, we advise against exceeding a wash load of 3.5 kg.
-For programme 12-13 we advise against exceeding a wash load of 2 kg.
-Programme 13 may be used in conjunction with the Pre-wash or Bleaching phases. Ensure that the Stain
Removal function is not selected and that compartment 4 is empty when you wish to run the Pre-wash phase.
-For the anti-crease function: see Easy iron, opposite page. The information contained in the table is purely indicative.
Special programme
Daily (programme 10 for Synthetics) is designed to wash lightly soiled garments in a short amount of time: it only lasts
30 minutes and allows you to save on both time and energy. By setting this programme (10 at 30°C), you can wash
different fabrics together (except for woollen and silk items), with a maximum load of 3 kg.
We recommend the use of liquid detergent.