iOptron SmartStar 9503 User Manual
Page 18

The first line shows the number of
the user object and if it is above the horizon.
The second line shows the name of the user
object, here is “BX”. The third line shows
target’s current RA and DEC coordinates.
The bottom line shows object’s altitude and
azimuth position. Use ◄ or ► move the
cursor position and ▲ or ▼ key change the
number to adjust the object you want to edit.
Press ENTER when it is right.
Follow the same procedure as “Add a new
object” to edit it. Press BACK to back to
Modify Star Catalog menu.
Delete one data
Use ▼ or ▲ button to move the cursor to
“Delete one data” line, and press ENTER. A
user object screen will show:
Use ► or ◄ button to move the cursor, and
or ▲ button to change the number. Press
ENTER to delete selected object.
Press BACK to back to Modify Star Catalog
Delete all
Use ▼ or ▲ button to move the cursor to
“Delete all” line, and press ENTER to delete
all User RA&DEC JD2000 data.
5.7.2. Comets
Select “Comets” and press ENTER, a menu
like following will show:
Add a new comet:
The hand controller has 64 preloaded
comets. Before a new user comet can be
added, an existing comet record has to be
deleted. (See Delete one comet)
Select “Add a new comet” and press
ENTER. Enter the name of your object by
using ▲ or ▼ key to change the display
from 1 to 9, space, - and A to Z, and ◄ or
► key to move the cursor. It will then ask
the following information: Year, Month, Day,
e, q, w, Omega and i. After entering all
these parameters, a confirmation screen will
Press ENTER to confirm. The user object
will be stored in previous deleted comet
It can be selected and slewed
from Comets menu. Press BACK to back to
Modify Star Catalog menu.
Edit one comet
Use ▼ or ▲ button to move the cursor to
“Edit one comet” line, and press ENTER. A
user object screen will show:
The first line shows the number of this
comet and if it is above the horizon. The
second line shows the name of the comet,
here is “6P d’Arrest”. The third line shows
comet’s current RA and DEC coordinates.
The bottom line shows its altitude and
No. 01
6P d’Arrest
R: 5h31.2m D:10º20.8’
A 31º49.5’ Z253º39.9’
Save to No.
1 ?
Press “ENTER” to
Press, “BACK” cancel
Add a new comet
Edit one comet
Delete one comet
Reset all comets
No. 001
R: 4h38.7m D:19º56.8’
A -31º10.2’ Z303º44.1’
No. 001
R: 4h38.7m D:19º56.8’
A -31º10.2’ Z303º44.1’