iOptron GoToNova 8401 User Manual

Page 11

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A 39°43.3′ Z 221°20.0′
Center the target then
press “ENTER” 2X
Use “UP” and “DOWN” arrow buttons to select a star and
press ENTER. Use SPEED button to select a speed, and use
arrow buttons to center the star in your telescope. Press
ENTER when finished.

1.2.2 Two-Star


If your mount is not horizontal one-star align is usually not
accurate enough. You will need to do two-star align. Select
“Two-star align” from the previous menu. Select one bright
star from the menu. Use the arrow buttons to center it in the
telescope and press ENTER. Select a second bright star and
use the arrow keys to center the second star. Press ENTER.
Two-star align is finished.