Intel IP Media Server User Manual
Page 34

IP Media Server for HMP Demo Guide — July 2005
Demo Details
• Handles IP device operations, such as
making/dropping calls, sending H.323
messages, making timeslot connections,
• Holds CIPStateMachine (or call control)
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by classes
inside the IP module.
Init( )
• Opens an IP device. If successful,
creates an IP state machine. If QoS is
enabled, creates a media alarm object.
Exit( )
• Deletes IP state machine
• Deletes media alarm object
• Closes IP devices
ProcessEvent( )
• Processes IP device events
Connect( )
• Allows IP device to listen to its receiving
Disconnect( )
• Allows IP device to unlisten to its
receiving timeslot
GetDeviceHandle( )
• Returns IP device handle
GetXmitSlot( )
• Returns IP device transmit timeslot
SetDeviceReceiveSlot( )
• Sets IP device receiving timeslot
SetFaxHandle( )
• Sets fax device handle associated with
the device
GetFaxHandle( )
• Returns fax device handle associated
with the device
• Handles IP events and maintains IP
state machine(s)
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by the
classes inside the IP module.
Init( )
• Initializes the IP state machine
Exit( )
• Terminates the IP state machine
ProcessEvent( )
• Processes IP call events
Table 7. IP Module Classes (Continued)
Class Name