Intel UMPC User Manual
Page 9

5 Conclusion
Game developers and architects providing support for the UMPC platform in
mainstream game offerings can develop a discrete set of design considerations
that address common issues that arise during the development process. The
best practices described in this document provide a foundation for that effort.
Because Windows-based UMPCs run a full version of the operating system, it
typically requires less effort to provide this support than a full port to a
separate operating environment. Thus, an incremental effort may expand a
game's market to include the expanding deployment of the UMPC platform,
providing a competitive advantage to the game software provider.
6 Additional Resources
Game developers and architects who are considering how best to integrate the
needs of the UMPC platform into their offerings will benefit from the following
developer information related to all things mobile, including technical
documentation, SDKs, forums, knowledgebases, and blogs.
engenders for the developer and user communities.
usage models, as well as hosting discussion forums for users and
for the UM