C40/c50 – InFocus C40/C50 User Manual

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software allows you to quickly and easily operate your

projector from your computer. Make adjustments to the projected image

or change settings without using a remote. When you want to make a

minor change to your presentation before showing it to your audience,

ProjectorManager enables you to change to your content while the image

on the screen remains frozen. If you need a little extra help, you can

discreetly troubleshoot or even send an e-mail to InFocus Corporation

Technical Support over the network – no need to look up phone numbers.

No matter what comes your way, ASK makes it easy to stay cool and

collected during your presentation.


The C40 and C50 provide best-in-class performance at a price that won’t

blow your budget. Connect your projector to a VCR or a DVD player and

show films. Add the Internet to your presentations and refer to information

on the Web live on the big screen. You can even connect easily to a

digital camera for a larger-than-life slideshow. No matter what you want

to project, the C40 and C50 make it easy. And active monitor loop-

through means you don’t have to unhook the projector when it’s not in

use to view your computer monitor. A zoom lens allows you to easily


Your brilliant ideas already hold the attention of your

audience or students. But imagine what you could do

with images, colour, sound and the ability to show

films or view information on the Internet live to

support your message. When you present with an

ASK C40 or C50 projector, the possibilities are end-

less. You can persuade and convince people with a

variety of multimedia content. Information retention

is higher and teamwork is immediate—people are

inspired to participate. The C40 and C50 also make

small group meetings more efficient—instead of

scribbling notes on the whiteboard, you can brain-

storm and capture ideas or complete spreadsheets

in realtime.


ASK projectors add value to your presentation without

adding inconvenience. At only 2.6 kg, the C40 and

C50 have a new design that revolutionises ease of

use. Set-up and control of the projector are right at

your fingertips. Colour-coded connectors and cables

enable you to plug the projector into your computer or

video source in seconds. The intuitive key-pad on top

of the projector provides many quick and easy adjust-

ments at the touch of a button with user-friendly

menus that pop up on the screen telling you exactly

what to do next. You just scroll and select. At only 2.6

kg the C40 and C50 can be easily carted or carried

from room to room. An optional security lock reduces

the risk of theft. They can also be ceiling or table-

mounted for flexible meeting room configurations

—all around, all-purpose projectors. As a valuable

business tool and a shared resource, the C40 and

C50 are an investment you won’t want to be without.