MVOX electronic MV900 User Manual
Page 13

12. Setup Menu
The MV900 provides memory slots to use the Voice Command Dialing.
Below is the list of the memory slots:
Number Type Commands in Setup Menu
Voicemail Home
Voicemail Work
Voicemail Cell phone
Memory One
Memory Two
Memory Three
Memory Four
Memory Five
Memory Six
Memory Seven
Memory Eight
Memory Nine
Note: Each number can be stored with an extension.
To input the number into memory you need to follow theses steps:
1) If the MV900 is not connected to your Cell phone, you can press and hold both the
Mute button and Talk button at the same time until you hear “Setup Menu”. If the MV900
is connected to your Cell phone, you can press and release the Talk Button. Wait for
the voice prompt “Please say command”, then say “Setup menu”. The MV900 will voice
prompt “Setup Menu”.
2) Say the memory slot’s name, for example, “Home”. If there is already a number stored
in this memory slot you will hear the voice prompt say the number. Say “Yes” to keep this
number, “Erase” to erase this number, or “No” to enter new number. If there is no number
in the memory slot, the MV900 will ask you to enter a new number.
3) After you hear voice prompt “Say Number” and the sound of a high pitched tone, say
the number you would like to enter. You will hear the number you’ve just said, then a
voice prompt saying “Finish?”
Note: There is also a 10 second activity timer. If there’s no activity, the device will exit the setup
menu. If there is an incoming call, first exit the setup menu, then follow the incoming call routine.
Command Description
To input home number into the memory
To input work number into the memory
To input home voicemail number into the memory
To input work voicemail number into the memory
To input Cell Phone voicemail number into the memory
To input memory one number into the memory
To input memory two number into the memory
To input memory three number into the memory
To input memory four number into the memory
To input memory five number into the memory
To input memory six number into the memory
To input memory seven number into the memory
To input memory eight number into the memory
To input memory nine number into the memory