Morphy Richards 48720 User Manual
Page 13

Beef Curry
2.5 litres 4.5 litres
Vegetable oil
3 tbsp
5 tbsp
Cooking apple, peeled, cored and sliced
2 medium 2 large
Onions, chopped
2 large 4 large
Stewing steak, cubed 700g
1.5 kg
Curry powder
3 tsp
5 tsp
Plain flour
3 tbsp
5 tbsp
Beef stock
1 litre
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Mango chutney
3 tbsp
5 tbsp
Tin tomatoes, chopped
Lemon juice
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
Fry the apple and onion in a pan until
soft. Coat the meat in seasoned flour,
add to the pan and fry until lightly
browned. Stir in the stock and bring
to a simmer. Add the remaining
ingredients and bring back to a
simmer. Transfer all the ingredients to
the ceramic pot and place the pot in
the slow cooker base. Place the lid
onto the slow cooker. Cook for
approximately 4-7 hours. At the end
of the cooking time, it may be
necessary to thicken the sauce.
Bolognese sauce
2.5 litres 4.5 litres
Minced beef
1 kg
Onions, finely chopped
1 large
2 large
Celery, thinly sliced
3 sticks 4 sticks
Cloves garlic, crushed
Tomato puree
3 tbsp
5 tbsp
1 tbsp
3 tbsp
Can of tomatoes, including juice
2x 400g
Beef stock
Mushrooms, sliced
Mixed herbs
1 tsp
1 tsp
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
In a pan, gently brown the mince
without adding any fat or oil. When
the fat has started to run from the
meat, add the onion, celery and
garlic. Fry for a couple of minutes
and then add the tomato puree.
Blend some of the tomato juice with
the flour to make a smooth pouring
cream, add to the meat with
remaining tomatoes and juice and
bring to the boil, stirring continuously
until thickened. Add the remaining
ingredients and mix well. Transfer all
the ingredients to the ceramic pot
and place in the base of the slow
cooker. Place the lid on the slow
cooker. Cook for approximately 3-8
hours. (Note: a slight ‘crust' of brown
meat may appear on the top. It soon
disappears if stirred into the sauce).
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48720 Rev2 15/8/08 10:31 Page 13