Text messages – Siemens Xelibri 7 User Manual

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Text messages


left page (10)

of EMMA e2, A31008-H9260-A45-2-7619 (26.09.2003, 09:29)

© Siemens AG 2003, P:\PN\ISDN\XELIB

RI Vers. 2\UGS\EMMA\e2\

VAR Language: ENG; VAR issu

e date: 18-September-2003


Receiving a text message

Your Xelibri can send and receive standard (SMS) and
multimedia (EMS) messages including text, pictures,
animations and sound.

To view a message

When you receive a message, you’ll see the ] symbol.
Click to view the message and to go back and forward.

To save (or dial) a phone number in a message

Choose Options, Extract Numbers.
To go back and forward between numbers, click .
Choose Options and Save (in Phonebook) or click



To reply to a message

Choose Options, Reply and select a reply as follows:
• New Reply – start a new message
• Edit Reply – start a new message based on the one

you’re reading

• Answer is YES/NO, Please call back, I’ll be late,

Thank you – send the selected phrase in reply.

To delete/archive a message

It’s important to delete messages, because your SIM
card has limited capacity (] will flash on display when
full – and you won’t get any more messages!)
In a message, choose Options, Delete. From standby,
choose Menu, Messages, Inbox and click

to high-

light a message. Choose Options, Delete (or Delete
all to empty your Inbox).
Alternatively, choose Options, Move to Archive to
move a message you’re viewing from your SIM card to
your Xelibri. The Archive is just like the Inbox.



Can we meet this
evening 7.30 at
usual pub?



date and time of
message Seite 10 Freitag, 26. September 2003 9:46 09