Games and tools – Meizu Portable Media Player User Manual

Page 27

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Games and Tools

Hua Rong Dao, is an ancient Chinese board game, Caocao is the emperor of one of the three
kingdoms in ancient China. He was defeated by other two kingdoms in a war and now trying to
escape from them. Your mission is to help Caocao to escape from hunting of the rest guys on the
board by shuffling themaround. When Caocao is at the center bottom of the board, nobody can
be on his way to life, so you will be promoted to be Caocao's next lieutanant. A real winner is the
one who find the best path with minimum steps.

Click the Enter key to start the game.
Sliding up and down on the keypad to select the object.
Click the Menu to move it up, Enter key to move it down, Previous key to left and Next to right.
Long click the power ON/OFF button to exit.

In planar labyrinth, the man can push only one box at a time.
When he finishes pushing all boxes into the destination position,
you win the game.

Click the Enter key to start the game.
Click the Menu to move it up, Enter key to move it down,

Previous key to left and Next to right.

Long click the power ON/OFF button to exit.

Detailed Features byMenu

Games and Tools




1. Hua RongDao

2. Box Man


5. Calculator

This is the menu to provide the calculator.
Select Calculator and click the Enter key to apply it.
Sliding up and down on the keypad to select the option key.
Click the Enter key to apply it.
Click the Menu key to exit.

Detailed Features byMenu

Select Calendar and click the Enter key to apply it.
Sliding up and down on the keypad to select the day.
Click the Previous/Next key to select the month.
Click the Menu key to exit.

Games and Tools

3. Calendar

4. Stopwatch

Select Stopwatch and click the Enter key to apply it.
Click the Enter key and start.
Click the Previous/Next key to select the options.
Click the Enter key to apply it.
Click the Menu key to exit.