Muse electronic Model Eleven User Manual

Page 13

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A-B Repeat

The first of the submenus, “A-B Repeat” has a
sub-submenu with three possible choices. “A
(Start Point)” is used to mark the beginning of a
loop. “B (End Point)” is used to mark the end of
a loop. When both A and B points are selected
play will endlessly loop from the starting point to
the ending point and then begin again.

Selecting the sub-submenu “Off” option ends “A-
B Repeat” mode.


The second of the submenus, “Repeat” has a
sub-submenu with three possible choices. “Disc
Repeat” causes the Model Eleven to play the
disc from beginning to end over and over, until
the disc is either ejected or the “Repeat” mode is
ended. “Track Repeat” behaves in a similar
fashion as “Disc Repeat” within any given track.
“Repeat Off” ends either repeat mode.


The third of the submenus, “Random” has a sub-
submenu with two possible choices, either “On”
or “Off”. Selecting “On” for “Random” causes
the disc play order to be randomized.


The forth of the submenus, “Program” has a four
sub-submenus. The first of the sub-submenus
“Create/Edit” enables a two-column display with
the “Program Step” listed on the right and the

“Track” choice listed on the right. Entries for
each step can be from any of the available
tracks. To exit program, use the return
command by first pressing “Shift” and then
“Return”. Be sure to press “Release” when
exiting the “Create/Edit” function.

Playback Start – Playback Stop

For previously created programs, the “Playback
Start” and “Playback End” entries enable and
disable the program.

Program Delete

This entry erases a previously created program.

Search Mode

This last submenu option allows for direct
numeric track entry. Keep in mind that all the
numeric functions on the remote at blue
therefore shifted functions. To enter a numeric
value, first press the “Shift” key on the remote,
when done with numeric entry, don’t forget to
press the “Release” key to return to normal
remote commands.

Disc Play – SACD

Despite being based upon DVD technology,
SACDs have their own, unique behavior, which
is in many ways, is similar a standard CD. In the
case of the Model Eleven, its playback functions
when playing a SACD are nearly identical to that
when playing a CD. Each of the controls
described in the Disc Play – CD section of this
manual; A-B Repeat, Repeat, Random,
Playback Start, Playback Stop and Search Mode
for CD play can be applied when playing a
SACD. Do keep in mind that if your Model
Eleven is configured to play the multi-channel
portion and the disc in play has multi-channel
content, the Model Eleven will process the
surround channels based upon the setup of
each speaker as configured in the setup menu.

Disc Play – DVD Audio

DVD Audio discs have behaviors that are based
as much upon the disc in play as the
configuration of the Model Eleven. Where DVD
Audio discs differ from the DVD Video
counterparts is in their support of loss less