Megavision-web platform requirements – MegaVision Network Management System User Manual
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80 by default) enter: "http://a.b.c.d/”; b2. If you reconfigured the HTTP port value (e.g.
port=2000) enter: "http://a.b.c.d:2000/"
c) Use "Tools"/"WEB browser"/"Management Page" in order to get GUI access to all
supported devices. You may leave the browser window open and switch to it
whenever you need it. Please note that polling is done automatically and you will
always see the most recent status in this window.
d) Optional. You may perform step b. for any supported device located on the HP OV
map. In this case you can receive MegaVision-WEB GUI without looking for the
MegaVision-WEB PC Icon first.
MegaVision-WEB platform requirements
1. Server Platform Minimum Configuration. Pentium PC 450 MHz, 19" Monitor 64 MB
Memory (128 MB recommended) 40 MB available hard disk space. OS:
Win95/Win98/WinNT/Win2000 (WinNT recommended)
2. Client Platform Minimum Configuration. CPU NOT LESS than 440 MHz (example:
SPARCstation ULTRA 10-440Mhz CPU, or Pentium PC 450 MHz), Important Note:
anything less will result a slow GUI) Memory: 512 MB for UNIX workstations or 64 MB for
PC, 19" monitor. Standard Hard DRIVE according to OS requirements. Any OS:
MS-Windows/Solaris/HP UX/AIX/Linux etc. Java enabled WEB browser (like Internet
Explorer 4.0 and higher or Netscape 4.0 and higher. For MS-Windows Internet explorer is
recommended. For UNIX/LINUX Netscape is recommended
a) You can download Netscape for free from
b) You can download Internet Explorer for free from the Microsoft web site.