Microsoft Close Combat User Manual

Page 27

background image





Shows a soldier’s physical state. These states are described in the

following table.



Healthy (green background)

Soldier is physically able to obey all commands.

Hurt (yellow background)

Soldier is slightly wounded; physically able to
obey orders at a reduced level of performance.

Incap. (orange background)

Incapacitated; soldier is severely wounded and
unable to obey commands.

Dead (red background)

Soldier is terminally disobedient.

Emotional State

Shows a soldier’s mental stability. The states are described in

the following table.

Emotional state


Berserk (red text on

Soldier is irrational and disregards

black background)

personal safety to attack the enemy.

Fanatic (orange text

Soldier is slightly irrational and takes

on black background)

chances to be a hero.

Heroic (yellow text on

Soldier fights aggressively and is capable

black background)

of heroic acts.

Stable (black text on

Soldier’s default setting; in full control of

green background)


Panic (black text on

Soldier is emotionally unstable and must

red background)

be rallied to become effective.

Routed (black text on red

Soldier is running away from the



Fatigue Level

Shows a soldier’s level of fatigue. The states are described in the

following table.

Fatigue level


Rested (green background)

Soldier is well rested.

Winded (yellow background) Soldier is temporarily out of breath but will

recover quickly.

Fatigued (red background)

Soldier is so tired that his performance is affected.

Weapon Icon

Graphical display of the soldier’s weapon.

Weapon Name

Text describing the soldier’s weapon.

Ammo Type

Describes the type of ammunition used by infantrymen, crew

weapon team members, or vehicle crew members. There are five types of ammu-
nition, as shown in the following table.