Kw250s, Safety information – Musical Fidelity KW250S User Manual
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Issue 3: 12th July 2006
Optical pick-up :
Manufacturer : Sharp
Pick-up type : GH6C005B
Wavelength : 780nm
This equipment uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and operated in accordance with the instructions,
may cause interference to radio communications.
However, it is designed to radiate minimal levels of RFI, and accordingly been testing to North American standards (FCC
regulations - limits for a class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of the rules). These requirements are intended to provide
reasonable protection against excessive interference in a residential installation.
Conversely, the product has also been checked to ensure that its own operation is not adversely affected by normal background
levels of RFI received externally.
However, if interference is experienced, for instance to radio or TV broadcasts, the user is recommended to try one or more of the
following measures:
• Identify the source of interference by turning off power to the CD player or other equipment individually, and checking
whether the problem disappears.
• Re-orientate or relocate the receiving aerial.
• Move the CD player away from the receiver.
• Connect the CD player to a mains outlet on a different circuit from the receiver.
• Consult a dealer or experienced TV/radio technician for help.
If a problem persists, please contact Musical Fidelity's service department.
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