Mitsubishi ip (security products), Field information notice, General information

MITSUBISHI IP (Security Products)
Field Information Notice
FIN #: 008
Rev. C Page 1/11
Date: 6/30/04
Product: DX-TL910U & DX-TL2500U
Subject: DSL/ADSL connection setup instructions
Target Audience: Sales/Dealers/User
Originator: Hon Yu (949) 465-6436
The DX-TL910U and DX-2500U are 9 and 16 Channel Digital Video Recorder (DVR) which have built-in
networking and remote management capabilities. User can monitor live and playback prerecorded video through
the LAN or WAN connection. For remote access, CABLE or DSL/ADSL is a popular connection method and are
provided in most areas of the country.
Setting up the DVR itself to communicate in a LAN or WAN environment is very easy. The network interface on
the DVR only requires three value – the IP address, SUBNET MASK and GATEWAY address. However the
harder task is configuring the equipment provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). To satisfy their
system’s authentication (if your ISP uses PPPoE) and configuring firewall are no small task. It requires computer
and networking expertise.
You can pay IT professional to do the LAN/WAN installation or get free help from your ISP technical support.
Since your ISP provides you the hardware (the modem, router etc.) and the service (IP address, User account and
Password etc.). Their technical support should be able to walk you through the configuration and Setup changes
needed to support accessing the DVR via WAN.
Most of the DSL installation package only configure your computer to go online (outbound access; inquiry
initiated from inside). To access the DVR from a remote site you need inbound access (inquiry initiated from
outside). When you ask help from your ISP support your need to tell them,
1. The DVR works like a web server (inbound access)
The DVR uses
protocol on ports
53705 ~ 53711
to communicate (open those ports
from the firewall)
From my experience, level I technical support usually is not trained to help you configure inbound access. You may
need them to escalate to a higher level support.
Once the configuration is done you can run the Web Browser. You type the DVR IP address on the Browsers
Address line and GO. The DVR default USER NAME is “root” and PASSWORD is “admin000” (no quotes and
case sensitive, 0 is numeric zero not letter O) and select the function you want (LIVE, PLAYBACK…). You can
also use the DX-PC25U application software which comes with each DVR to connect to the unit. The software
must be loaded in each connecting PC. The same User Name and Password as above is needed for the DVR.