MaxTech NXP-16 User Manual
Page 2

Section One - Introduction ......................... 1
Section Two - Installation ........................... 2
Section Three - Driver Installation .............. 8
Section Four - Troubleshooting .................. 8
Section Five - Cable Information ............. 10
Section Six - Specifications ..................... 10
Section Seven - Technical Support .......... 11
Section Eight - Notices ............................. 12
Section One - Introduction
Maxtech network adapters are high performance,
Industry Standard Achitecture (ISA) Ethernet net-
work adapters designed for Plug and Play (PnP)
systems. The adapters are NE-2000 compatible
and include a 16KB RAM buffer for improved net-
work transmission and reception.
Plug and Play is a set of specifications that define
the ability for the computer hardware or operating
system to automatically configure all devices that
are installed, relieving the user of the need to
determine which addresses and interrupts to use
for each device.
For non-PNP (legacy) systems, a setup program
(SETUP.EXE) is provided to configure the cards for
use in any IBM PC/XT/AT or fully-compatible com-
The minimum hardware requirement is an IBM PC/
XT or fully-compatible PC with 512K RAM running
DOS 6.2 or higher. The network operating system
you use may have higher requirements.