Microsoft Blinx The Time Sweeper for Xbox User Manual

Page 3

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Welcome to the Time Factory Worker’s Safety Guide.

The Time Factory makes time and maintains and repairs its

fl ow across many dimensions.
You play a vital role! Do your part to keep time fl owing as

it should.
Outsiders may take time for granted. We at the Time Factory,

however, know better. Time is our most precious treasure.

Used well, it can make any dream come true. Used poorly, it

is wasted and forever lost… or worse, unregulated time can

become a monster.
This guide will instruct you about your duties and the

potential dangers of working for the Time Factory.

Although the Time Workers Union reports

that we have not had a major accident

for 7,347 years, we must stay alert

for any signs of time leakage or

misuse. We’re relying on each

and every one of you!


Every second counts.

CEO and Chairman of

the Board of Directors

Time Factory, Inc.

Should there be a major time accident,

it is your responsibility to:

Defeat all time monsters in a given

area within 10 minutes. After 10

minutes, the region will become

temporally unstable and vanish.
Sweep up trash to shoot at time

monsters. Note: Monsters cannot

be swept up!
Collect valid combinations of time

crystals to get time controls. This

helps you defeat monsters and

access special regions. See page

10 for more about time crystals.

Once you have cleared an area, return

to the goal gate as fast as you can

and exit. You can then resupply at the

Shop and proceed to the next area in

need of sweeping.
Only by accomplishing your mission will

the orderly fl ow of time be restored.