McAfee CERS Port User Manual

Page 57

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above these tables. The Paging control will list the number of pages that are available and
the User simply clicks on the relevant number to view the subset of data that is presented on
that page. The User also has the option of scrolling through the available pages using the
indicator arrows provided.

CERS – Search tabula data paging component

Additionally the User is presented with a control to disable/enable this Paging functionality by
simply clicking the icon displayed


For most situations the rows of a table represent a list of records that are displayed in a
tabular fashion with summary information to identify and distinguish each of the records. In
order to view the complete set of data associated with these records, they each possess an


within the first column of the table. By clicking this icon , the particular record data

will be retrieved and displayed to the User.

The functionality of tables varies throughout the application, some permit the associated
entities (represented by rows) to be viewed while others may provide the ability to manipulate
the displayed data in some fashion. Any functionality that is available to the User will be
represented through the use of icons or checkboxes paired with action buttons. The icons
are usually self-descriptive and to provide extra information to the User, when the mouse
pointer is positioned over an icon, a tooltip is displayed beside the pointer to indicate the
functionality associated with clicking that particular icon.