MotoSAT MSC60 User Manual
You can take it with you || 800.247.7486 || [email protected]
You CAN Take It With You
• Fully automatic pointing
to both StarChoice™
• Receives multiple signals
• Rugged design and
construction, with a wind
resistance of 45 mph
deployed and 140 mph
Receive standard or High-Definition TV signals from both
StarChoice™ satellites at the same time... without needing to
re-point your dish!
Powered by StarChoice’s™ digital broadcast satellite service, the MSC60™ was conceived and designed specifically for Canadian
viewers and provides instant, on-demand satellite television signal to any remote location for StarChoice™ subscribers. MotoSAT’s
embedded Nomad 2™ Control Software allows simple “Point and Click” operation to deploy the MSC60’s™ StarChoice™ reflector
from a stowed (Travel) position using a unique satellite pointing technology to automatically locate and adjust the broadcast
signal in minutes. The MSC60™ does not ship with an LNB or a dish. Those components are provided through StarChoice’s™
regional Value Added Resellers in Canada. The combined benefits that StarChoice™ and MotoSAT™ offer are obvious: world-
class satellite technology with localized customer service, at affordable prices, for business and consumer applications alike.
• Operational Temperature
Range of -40°F to 145°F.
• Unit is pre-wired for two TV
• Fast, quiet three-axis motion
(Elevation, Azimuth, & Skew).
• Simple, two-button “Find
and Stow” operation via the
Nomad 2™ Controller.