Measurement Specialties 9116 User Manual
Page 65

Pressure Systems, Inc. Model 9116 User’s Manual
Page 56
Command ‘c’ — Sub-command Index 04: Return Stream Information
This sub-command returns current stream configuration information in its response. Its format
“c 04 st”
‘c’ is the command letter
‘04’ is the sub-command index (‘ii’) for configuration
‘st’ is the stream identifier character (1, 2, or 3 only)
NOTE: all parameters are separated by a space character.
“st [[[[p]p]p]p sync per f num pro remport ipaddr bbbb ”
‘st’ is the stream identifier digit (1,2, or 3)
‘ pppp’ is a hex position field (channel selection bit map)
‘sync’ is sync type character (0 or 1)
‘per’ is the period (# trigger periods or delay timer period)
‘f’ is the format of the data delivered in stream
‘num’ is the number of packets delivered in the stream
‘pro’ identifies the protocol used for stream delivery (1=UDP/IP, 0=TCP/IP.
This protocol identifier pertains to stream delivery only.
‘remport’ identifies the remote port number to which each stream delivery
is directed in the host. A value of -1 indicates that stream delivery is
directed to the same port number the host is using to send commands to
the module.
‘ipaddr’ identifies the IP address of the host to which the stream delivery is
‘bbbb’ another position field (data options bit map) as specified by the “05”
NOTE: All datum fields separated by a space character.
none generated
Description: This sub-command returns current configuration information for a particular
stream. Returned values are defined the same as the sub-command parameters
Configure a Host Delivery Stream (“00,” Select Protocol,
“06,” and Select Data in a Stream, “05.”). Note that the ‘num’ field represents the
number of packets returned so far (= last sequence number returned, or =0 if
stream not yet started.