Care and maintenance, S218s specifications – MACKIE S218s User Manual
Page 9

Acoustic Performance
Frequency Range (–10 dB)
38 Hz–360 Hz
Axial Sensitivity 95.1 dB, 1 W/1 m
Peak Sensitivity 98.6 dB, 1 W/1 m
Max SPL long-term 122 dB @ 1m
Max SPL peak 128 dB @ 1m
Crossover Point 180 Hz, 12 dB/octave
Woofer Loading Bass refl ex
Input/Output Type Neutrik Speakon™ and
female 1/4-in. TS jack
Input Impedance (nominal)
8 ohms
Input Impedance (minimum)
3.9 ohms @ 110 Hz
Recommended Lowpass Filter (if using external
150 Hz, 24 dB/octave
Recommended Amplifi er Power
500 watts rms continuous
2000 watts rms peak
Low-Frequency Section
Woofer Diameter
18.0 in/457 mm
Voice Coil Diameter 3 in/76 mm
Diaphragm Material Cellulose
Magnet Material Ferrite
Construction Features
Basic Design Bass refl ex
Material 15 mm multi-layered plywood
Finish Black paint
Handles One on each side
Grille Perforated metal with weather-
resistant coating
Physical Properties
Height 30.0 in/76.2 cm
Width 21.0 in/53.3 cm
Depth 21.0 in/53.3 cm
Mounting Methods Floor mount only.
The S218s cabinet has no rigging points and is
not suitable for fl ying.
Never attempt to suspend
the cabinet by its handles.
Since we are always striving to make our products better by in-
cor po rat ing new and im proved ma te ri als, com po nents, and man u fac -
tur ing methods, we re serve the right to change these spec i fi ca tions
at any time with out no tice.
“Mackie” and the “Running Man” fi gure are reg is tered trade marks
of LOUD Technologies Inc.
All other brand names men tioned are trade marks or registered
trademarks of their respective hold ers, and are hereby ac knowl edged.
©2005 LOUD Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Your Mackie subwoofer will pro vide many years of reli-
able ser vice if you fol low these guide lines:
Avoid exposing the subwoofer to
mois ture. If your loudspeakers are
set up out doors, be sure they are
under cover if you expect rain.
Need Help?
You can reach a technical support representative
Monday through Friday
from 7 AM to 5 PM PST at:
Avoid exposure to extreme cold (be low freezing
tem per a tures). If you must operate the subwoof-
ers in a cold en vi ron ment, warm up the voice coil
slowly by sending a low-level sig nal through it for
about 15 minutes prior to high-power op er a tion.
Use a slighty damp cloth with a mild soap so lu tion
to clean the cabinets. Only do this when the power
is turned off. Avoid getting mois ture into any of
the open ings of the cab i net, par tic u lar ly where the
driver is located.