McIntosh MC303 User Manual
Page 15

can store over 200 Joules of energy, for the three amplifier
channels, necessary for the wide dynamic range “Digital
Audio” demands. Refer to figure 22.
There is also a fully regulated low voltage power supply to
guarantee excellent signal to noise ratio. Refer to figure 22.
Also, most owners desire one power switch for the
whole audio system. The MC303 is equipped with a circuit
that provides remote Power Control from a McIntosh A/V
Control Center. When the A/V Control Center is switched
On, a (+5V) signal operates the power relay in the MC303.
The MC303 also has a remote Power Control Out Jack. The
Power Control signal from this jack is delayed by a frac-
tion of a second so that the turn on power surge of the next
power amplifier occurs at a later time. This helps prevent
power circuit overload that could trip circuit breakers or
blow fuses, a very important feature in a high power Home
Theater System employing multiple Power Amplifiers.
Technical Description, con’t
Figure 22
Figure 20
Power Supply
Block Diagram