MartinLogan i User Manual
Page 9

3 Using a
” Allen tool remove the 6 allen bolts that
attach the stand, 3 each side (figure 7, step B).
4 Remove the stand (figure 7, step C).
5 Unscrew the two large knobs and remove the center part
of the stand. Set the 2 bolts, 2 rubber washers, 2 plastic
washers and the large knobs nearby (figure 8, step D).
6 Locate and mark the center point where you would like
the top of the Cinema i. Measure 17 inches horizontally
in each direction from the center point. This area must
be clear of obstructions in order to mount the Cinema i.
Also, make certain there will be at least 6 inches of clear-
ance above the center point and 17 inches below in
order to install the knobs and tilt the speaker up or down
(figure 9, step E).
7 Using a
" bit, drill a pilot hole. If you happen to hit a
stud during this step, DO NOT install the wall anchor
and immediately proceed to the next step. If you do
not hit a stud during this step, use a
" bit to widen the
pilot hole. Using a Phillips screwdriver install a wall
anchors so it is flush with the wall (figure 10, step F).
8 Place the center piece of the Cinema i stand against the
wall and align its uppermost center hole over the anchor
installed in step 7. Using a 1“ Phillips head screw, mount
the Cinema i stand to the wall. Do not fully tighten the
screw as you must first level the stand before marking
the remaining holes (figure 10, step G).
9 Place a level across the top edge of the Cinema i stand
and make sure that it is level. Mark the wall through the
center of each of the 4 outer holes and the lower, center
hole in the Cinema i stand (figure 11, step H).
Stand Options 9
Figure 7. Removing the Cinema i stand.
Figure 8. Removing the brackets.
Figure 9. Make sure the wall is free from obtrusions.
Figure 10. Drive a wall anchor through the top/center point and attach the stand.
Figure 11. Level the stand and mark the 5 outer points.