Meyer Sound UPA-2C User Manual

Designed for a wide variety of sound
reinforcement applications, the compact,
arrayable UPA-2C allows for controlled
coverage of wide areas in theater, club and
concert sound reinforcement. The powerful
loudspeaker delivers high sound pressure
levels with extremely low distortion, for
maximum intelligibility and fidelity.
The biamplified UPA-2C consists of
a␣proprietary 12-inch low-frequency cone
driver in a vented enclosure with a 45-
degree high-frequency aspherical
waveguide and driver. This configuration
offers exceptional directional control for
extremely smooth arraying characteristics,
and is particularly advantageous in
reverberant environments where reflected
energy must be minimized.
The rugged, multiple-ply hardwood
cabinet enclosure is fitted with handles
and, optionally, aircraft-style rigging pan
fittings or threaded nut plates.
The UPA-2C requires a high-quality
professional stereo power amplifier capable
of delivering 350 watts/channel continu-
ously into 8 ohms, with a signal voltage
gain of 10␣dB (minimum) to 30 dB (maxi-
Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
2832 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 486-1166
FAX (510) 486-8356
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Efficient high power
Ultra-low distortion
Compact and versatile
High clarity and coherence
Exceptional directional control
Sound reinforcement
Live music clubs
Side fill in concert reinforcement
Theater PA systems
High-power announcing
Paging indoors/outdoors