Murphy Selectronic Micro-Controller/Annunciator Series 1501 User Manual

Series 1501 selectronic, Micro-controller/annunciator, Alarm/shutdown for 32 or 64 n.o. or n.c. sensors

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Alarm/Shutdown for 32 or 64 N.O. or N.C. Sensors

Operating Sequence Selection

Field Adjustable Sensor Nomenclature

Selectable Sensor Lockouts Class A, B, C or P

Built-In Tachometer/Overspeed Function

RS232 or RS485 Modbus RTU Communications

Two Start/Run Timers and Elapsed Time Meter

CSA Certified or NRTL Approved for Use in
Class I, Div. 1 Grps. C & D Hazardous Locations


The Series 1501 instrument is a microprocessor-
based alarm, shutdown and control system with
tachometer/hourmeter function. It annunciates
in alphanumeric characters the protective device
that has signaled an alarm or caused equipment
shutdown. Information is called up and adjust-
ments are made on a six-button keypad on the
face of the unit. Configurations such as: Alarm
or Shutdown Nomenclature, Preset Timers, and
Tachometer Calibration can be made in the

Murphy’s Series 1501 system has seven SPDT
relays. On the standard model, the relays are
assigned to the following functions: Lube,
Crank, Ignition/Motor, Fuel Valve, Load,
Alarm, Shutdown.

The complete Series 1501 system consists of a
head (monitor), sensor input terminal strip (two
needed for 64 sensor models), 36 inch (914
mm) flat ribbon cable(s) for connecting the ter-
minal block to the head/monitor, and a Class I,
Div. 1, explosion-proof power supply.

The Series 1501 system is powered from 120
VAC or
12 or 24 VDC. The head/monitor is rated intrin-
sically safe and includes a communication port:
RS232 or RS485 (Modbus RTU slave). This
port allows for remote control functions such as
Start/Stop, Load/Unload, etc., and for access to
Series 1501 registers.


The Series 1501 system can be configured to mon-
itor applications such as: Air and Gas
Compressors, Natural Gas Refueling, and other
Industrial Operations. For a list of applications and
our cataloged programs contact a Murphy sales
representative. Custom programming available at
additional charge.


32 or 64 sensor inputs (N.O. or N.C.) for

alarm or shutdown.

Easy operation/adjustments Six-button keypad.

RS232 or RS485 Modbus RTU communica-

Automatic Engine Control.

Two Start-Run Timers.

Seven Control Relay Outputs.

Pre/Postlube Time Delay.

Automatic Compressor Loading.


Power Consumption: 120 VAC (7.5 VA);

12 VDC (3.5 watts); 24 VDC (3.5 watts).

Sensor Inputs: 32 to 64 N.O. and/or N.C. inputs

such as Murphy Swichgage



Field selectable as a Class A, B1, B2 , C , P or
ESD for shutdown, alarm, or control function.

Outputs: 7-SPDT relay outputs, 5 A, 1/16 HP,

125/250 VAC/ 1 A, 30 VDC.

NOTE: For hazardous areas an approved isola-
tion barrier must be used between sensor switch
and input terminals if the sensor output comes
from any energy storing device such as a relay or

Adjustable Time Delays:

(standard Series 1501)



Process Delay


Run Delay




Fuel Delay


Load Delay


Class B1 Sensor Lockout

Class B2 Sensor Lockout

Before Ignition Ground or Electric Motor

Stop (for up to 59 seconds)

Sensor Inputs Terminal Block: Rail mount

DIN type; 32 terminals, screw type.

Opto-Isolated Tach/Run Input: Magnetic

pickup, 4.5 to 120 Vrms, 0-10 kHz. CD igni-
tion, positive or negative ground, 100 to 300
VDC, 3-666 Hz. 12 to 125 VDC or 120 Vrms,
50/60 Hz may be used for run signals.

Operating Temperatures: 32 to 122°F

(0 to 50°C).

Storage Temperatures: -4 to 158°F (-20 to 70°C).
Case: ABS plastic, 1/4 DIN (90 x 90 mm).
Interface Output: Factory configured for

RS232; field-selectable for RS485 (specify
for factory configured RS485).

Alphanumeric Display: 2 lines, each line with

16 characters (32 characters total).

Power Supply Enclosure: Explosion-proof,

Class I, Division 1. Intrinsically safe barrier
built into the power supply, 120 VAC with 7
form “C” relay outputs for the following
functions (with standard S1501):







Fuel Valve



Revised 07-06

Catalog Section 50

Series 1501 Selectronic



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