Fx routing, The plug-in confi guration window – MACKIE Pro Audio Lab User Manual
Page 32

User’s Guide
FX Routing
The Plug-in Confi guration Window
Card Slot Col umn
Card B
Card C
Card A
display tog gle
display tog gle
Input Source
Input Source
Input Source
Close Window
Col umn
Card D
Mode Column
Toggle But ton
Inserting a Plug-in into a Channel
A pre- or post-DSP channel insert can also be used as the input source for a plug-in.
When a channel insert point is selected, the plug-in output returns to the channel by
default. The FX return path is disconnected, although the plug-in output is still dis-
played on the FX return channel meter.
A plug-in channel insert assignment can be made from the Plugin Confi guration win-
dow, or from a pull-down menu from the mixer screen.
Plug-in Confi guration Win dow
Pre-DSP Pull-down
Post-DSP Pull-down
This assignment can also be made from the control surface and VFD by holding the
desired chan nel’s SELECT button for two seconds, then paging over to Plug Pre or
Plug Post, selecting the input source, then selecting the desired plug-in slot from the
follow-on menu.