Mark Levinson JC-2 User Manual
Page 10

From an effort to simplify the connection of existing turntables to MLAS Pre-
amplifiers fitted with Lemo connectors, we have developed the CA-1 cable adap-
tor. The CA-1 is a solid block of aluminum 2X2X .75" machined to exact toler-
ances and finished in our standard brushed black anodized surface. It replaces
the phono connectors of any existing tonearm cable and allows connections to
our preamps with an LL (Lemo to Lemo) cable set. (see page 11 of our 12-1-76
notice. ) The CA-1 contains two female Lemo connectors. You will need LL.6" or
LL-3' cables to complete the connection from the turntable to the preamp.
The CA-1 can be easily installed by anyone who can solder. Tools necessary are
a write cutter and stripper, a soldering iron and solder, a small screwdriver and
an allen wrench (included) for tightening the strain reliefs. A provision is made
for mounting the CA-1 to a turantable base or shelf, with one wood screw.
For tonearm cables having leads less than .1" diameter, the CA-1 is not necessary.
Non-crimp style lemo connectors can be installed easily.
Other applications for the CA-1 include adapting microphone and other kinds of
cables to Lemo termination.
Tonearm cables from Japan generally use thick leads due to their interest in low
capacitance cable. This type cable is not very durable and has some disadvan-
tages in spite of the claims of its proponents. Those cables terminating in gold-
plated phono connectors pose a hazard since gold really mates only with gold; gold
to cadmium-plated phono connectors (the normal type) is worse than the standard
phono connector to standard phono jack. The CA-1 is designed to accept all dia-
meters of tonearm cable from the size just too big for non-crimp Lemos up to the
heaviest Japanese type.