Delta system overview – M-AUDIO Digital Recording Interface Delta 44 User Manual
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Verifying Delta Control Panel Software
In Windows, open the Windows Control Panel (do so via Start | Settings | Control
Panel ). If your Delta 44 hardware and Delta Control Panel software are properly
installed, the Windows Control Panel should display an “M Audio Delta H/W” icon.
By double-clicking on that icon, you may launch the Delta Control Panel software.
Also for convenience, you may create a shortcut on your desktop by dragging a copy
of the “M Audio Delta H/W” icon from the Control Panel to your Windows desktop
using your mouse or trackball. After completing the drag operation, a dialog box
will ask you if you wish to create a shortcut — click on ‘Yes’. Once the shortcut is
installed, all you have to do is double-click on the shortcut icon on your desktop to
launch the Delta Control Panel software.
On the Macintosh, the Delta Control Panel may be placed anywhere on your hard
drive, or any partition of your hard drive that you find convenient. Once the control
panel file has been dragged from the CD onto your hard drive, you may double click
it to launch the Delta Control Panel software. You may create a alias to the control
panel by highlighting it, then holding Apple key+M. This alias can then be placed
on your desktop.
NOTE: When using a music software program that is ASIO
capable, launch the Delta Control Panel software from within that
program. Some of the control panel functions will be controlled
from within that program, such as master clock setting and
sample rate, so it is desireable to launch the music program first,
and then the Delta Control Panel from the the program’s “launch”
or “control panel” button. Without the music program open
however, it is okay to open the Delta panelfrom your desktop or
Delta System Overview
Delta’s Analog Input/Outputs
The Delta 44 Digital Recording Interface’s analog inputs and outputs are
compatible with a wide variety of audio products. The Delta Control Panel
software allows you to configure the signal levels of each input individually,
and all outputs as a group. Signal level settings of +4/Consumer/-10 are
available. Selecting the ‘+4’ radio button configures the channel(s) for use with
+4dBu signal levels, compatible with most musical instruments and
professional mixers. Selecting the ‘-10’ setting sets up the channel(s) for -
10dBV nominal signal levels, commonly used with consumer equipment such
as CD, MiniDisc, cassette tape and DAT players. The ‘Consumer’ setting is