Linux ucfinder – Moxa Technologies THINKCORE W341 User Manual
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ThinkCore W311/321/341 Linux User’s Manual
UC Finder
1. Click o n the Broadcast Search button to start searching.
2. The Searching window displays the Model, MAC Address, and IP Address of devices that
were located..
3. When the search is complete, the same information is displayed in the UC Finder window.
UC Finder is designed to determine the IP addresses of all UC units connected to the same LAN
the host that is running UC Finder. To configure UC’s IP addresses or other configuration
parameters, use Telnet over the network, or connect directly to the serial Console port to access
the W311/321/341’s Console utility.
Linux ucfinder
Copy ucfinder from the Documentation and Software CD to your Linux PC, and then use the
following command to start the program. UC Finder will automatically locate all W311/321/341
units on the LAN, and then report their IP addresses.