Matrix Hairstyles MB XXX-3U User Manual
Page 13

5.2 Thermal shock (shipping):
-40 °C to +70 °C; 15 °C/min < dT/dt < 30 °C/min;
50 cycles; Duration of exposure to temperature extremes for each half cycle shall be 30
5.3 Humidity:
Operating: To 85% relative humidity (noncondensing)
Nonoperating: To 95% relative humidity (noncondensing)
Note: 95% RH is achieved with a dry bulb temperature of 55 °C and a wet bulb temperature
of 54 °C.
5.4 Altitude:
Operating: To 10,000 ft
Nonoperating : To 50,000ft
5.5 Mechanical Shock
Nonoperating :
50 g, trapezoidal input; velocity change > 170 in/s. Three drops on each of six faces are
applied to each sample.
The unit will be able to withstand 10g acceleration peak (11msec pulse duration).
5.6 Vibration
Nonoperating :
0.01 g2 / Hz at 5Hz, sloping to 0.02 g2/Hz at 20Hz, and maintaining 0.02 g2 / Hz from 20
Hz to 500 Hz. The area under the PSD curve is 3.13 gRMS. The duration shall be 10
minutes per axis for all three axes on all samples. Also meet 5 - 17Hz, 0.1” double
amplitude displacement; 17-500Hz, 1.5G acceleration; 5 to 500Hz random, 1G(RMS)
6 . Electromagnetic Comp atibility ( EMC )
Meet CE .
Meet FCC .
Meet CNS13438 .