Miglia Technology TV Max+ User Manual

Page 32

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First, enter the date/time information.
Select the start and end times by either entering them with the keyboard or the calendar button.
You can enter several types of repetitions for the recording, which is useful if you are recording several
shows broadcasted at the same time every day/week/month.


Then, enter the channel in the Video Source panel.
You can also schedule a recording over the Composite and S-Video inputs if you are using a digital receiver.
In this case, make sure you have set the decoder to the correct channel as TVMax+ has no ability to
switch channels on external devices.
Select the desired channel and enter the name of the program you wish to record (the name itself does not
affect the recording. You can either use a Filename template or give a unique name to the recorded file.


Finally, in the Movie panel, enter the program name, which will be appended to the file name.
The template function will append other values to the file name. The values are defined in the General panel
in Preferences.
Click ‘Add record’ when you are finished.

TVMax+™ User Guide

Page 30