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The power switch is located on the lower left hand corner of the front panel. Push the top of the
rocker switch (1) to turn on the amplifier and the bottom of the rocker to turn off the amplifier. The
LED on the right side of the front panel will illuminate indicating that the amplifier is operating. Do
not turn on and off the amplifier in rapid succession.
It is not recommended that you leave your amplifier permanently switched on. This only wastes
electricity and tube life. Your amplifier has solid state rectification and reaches peak operating
condition in approximately 30 minutes.
As with all tubes, their quality degrades with age. This is due to cathode emission, a natural process
found in all tubes. We recommend that you have your amplifier checked every 3-4 years, depending
on usage, sometimes the amplifier will require re-tubing after this time has elapsed, although we
have many cases of extreme long life recorded-- 40,000 hours and still counting!.
The Manley 120 Watt Monoblocks are equipped with a voltage change-over switch located under
the bottom cover. Insure that this switch is set at 110 if your mains voltage is 100,110,120, or 127
Volts. Set this switch to 220 if your mains voltage is 220, 227, or 240 Volts.
Changing the light bulb:
The lamp which back-lights the Manley insert on the faceplate is a fuse-lamp style lamp. Should it
burn out, turn off and unplug the amplifer from the mains first. Then remove the bottom cover.
Carefully pry out the old lamp from its clips and replace with one of the same type. Although it
looks like a fuse, it is really a light bulb!! Don't put a fuse in there!!
The fuse lamp is 1 1/4" x 1/4" 8Volts, 300mA.
Always replace with same type and rating. Should the B+ fuse blow (the fuse nearer to the output
binding posts) this usually indicates a tube has blown. One should visually inspect the pcb to look
for any burnt resistors a blown tube may have taken out. Also a good test is to measure the resistance
of each catode resistor. This is done in a similar fashion to checking the bias, except do this test with
the amplifier turned OFF, and set your meter for Ohms. Each cathode resistor should measure 10