Meade Instruments LX200GPS-SMT User Manual

Page 64

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Caution: Next to the focus assembly are two red slot-head bolts, used
only for safety reasons in shipment. Remove these bolts before attempt-
ing to turn the focus knob. In its place, insert the rubber plugs provided as
a dust protector (these rubber plugs are included with your hardware

The 16”


should never be commercially shipped without the red

bolts in place. This is essential during commercial transport, where rough
handling may occur. Your transport and storage of the telescope never
requires these bolts.

To re-ship the 16”


commercially, be sure to follow this procedure:

1. Turn the focus knob clockwise until it stops so that it moves the primary mirror all

the way back in the tube.

2. Remove the rubber plug and insert the red bolt. Thread it in to a firm feel (if you

have misplaced the red bolt, you may use any bolt that is 1/4-20x1" long).

3. When packaging the 16”


, be sure to release the R.A. lock (12, Fig. 1) and

Dec. lock (17, Fig. 1) to prevent shock to the gears in the motor assemblies should
the package suffer rough handling.

Commercial shipment of the 16"


telescope without the red safety bolt in

place as described above is done at the owner’s risk and your warranty may be void-
ed if shipping damage results.


Use the following procedure to assemble your telescope:

To Assemble the 16” Super Field Tripod

The 16” Super Field Tripod (Figs. 44 and 45) for the Meade 16”



is supplied as a completely assembled unit, except for the spreader bar (4, Fig. 44)
and the six lock-knobs (5, Fig. 44). There are two knobs for each of the three tripod
legs. They are used to adjust the level of the tripod. These knobs are packed sepa-
rately for safety in shipment.

For most observations, the drive base of the telescope’s fork mount is attached direct-
ly to the super giant field tripod, in the altazimuth (altitude-azimuth or vertical-hori-
zontal) format.

The telescope also can be mounted on a permanent pier in the equatorial format,
which is set for the latitude of the observing location (see


, pages 50 through

54, for instructions on using the telescope in equatorial mode). The equatorial mode
permits alignment of the telescope’s polar axis with the celestial pole.

After removing the field tripod from its shipping carton, stand the tripod vertically, with
the tripod feet down and with the tripod still fully collapsed (Fig. 45). Remove the lower
knob (1, Fig. 45), releasing the tension hub (7, Fig. 44). This knob is used only when
storing the field tripod. Moving one leg at a time, gently pull the legs apart. As the legs
are opened, the tension hub will move down the threaded rod (2, Fig. 44) until it is free
from the threaded rod. Continue to move the legs apart to a fully open position.

Thread in the two lock-knobs (5, Fig. 44) for each tripod leg, near the foot of each leg.
These lock-knobs are used to fix the position of the inner tripod leg sections. These
sections are used to level the telescope (described below).

Note: Tightening to a firm-feel is sufficient. Over-tightening may result in
stripping of the knob threads or damage to the tripod legs; it provides no
additional strength.

Loosen the tension knob (3, Fig. 44), holding the spreader bar (4, Fig. 44), and slide
the spreader bar down the threaded rod until you can rotated it so that the three arms
align with the three tripod legs. Tighten the tension knob ( Fig. 46) to a firm feel; firm
tightening of the tension knob is sufficient to result in rigid positioning of the legs. Do
not use force in tightening this knob.

Fig. 44: The Super Giant

Field Tripod:


1) Tripod head;

(2) Threaded rod; (3) Tension knob;
(4) Spreader bar; (5) Lock knobs;
(6) Extension strut; (7) Tension hub.

Fig. 45: The Super Giant

Field Tripod


Fig. 46: Tighten the tripod spreader
bar with the tension knob.

Fig. 47: Remove the pointed bolts
from the drive base.






