Manley 16 x 2 TUBE MIXER 2000 - 2002 up to 106 User Manual
Page 12

The LINE VERSION can be considered the basic root version and additional daughter boards and
parts are added for the MIC and special versions or mods.
1) Adds a front panel daughter board that contains an 11 position gold contact rotary switch from
Grayhill and a series or resistors to set the gain of the input stage instrumentation amplifier.Also
contains 2 micro toggles and LEDs that controls relays on the channel boards. The AUX pot cannot
be fitted if thedaughter board and 11 position switch is fitted.
2) Adds parts to the channel board including: a relay for phase reverse, a relay for INSERT and
another dual op-amp and associated parts for the INSERT send and receive.
3) The AUX master gain pot on the left tube board is replaced with a dual pot that is then used as an
EXT gain control (there is no AUX on the Mic Version)
Uses the MIC VERSION changes and daughterboards for the first 8 channels. The last 8 channels
are regular Line Versions. Intended for live recording in clubs etc.
1) Adds a front panel daughter board that contains contains 2 micro toggles with LEDs and relays to
routethe post pan signals to 2 stereo busses and from the Aux amp to 2 mono busses.
2) Adds parts to the channel board including: build-out resistors for the extra busses.
3) Adds another board containing 3 solid state buss amplifiers sending to the unbalanced outputs.
SPECIAL LINE: A Line/Mic hybrid
1) Uses the Mic daughterboard and extra channel parts to have a Line Version with Phase Reverse
and either switchable +12 dB of gain (for -10dBv inputs) or other simple function like Inserts.
2) Alternatively, -10 dB dBv switches can be placed where the Insert jack goes on the Mic Version.
1) Replaces the Pan Pot with a 3 deck pot for partial surround.
2) Adds a 3 buss solid state summing amp which derives L/C/R which replaces the unbalanced
outputs and uses 1 extra hole. Sends the normal L/R to the tube stages which are modified for less
gain (transformers removed) and sent to the balanced outputs only. There is no master gain on the
L/C/R outputs.
We had not intended on doing this, but it was a sincere request ....... build me a 32x8 mixer, please.
1) Adds a front panel daughter board that contains contains 2 micro toggles and LEDs and relays to
routethe post pan signals to 3 stereo busses of 4 total. Some channels go to A,B or C, some to A, B
or D stereo busses. Bottom micro toggle flips phase.
2) Adds parts to the channel board including: build-out resistors for the extra busses.
3) Adds another ribbon cable to all the daughter boards for the extra busses
4) Replaces the 1/4" aluminum front panel with a double size panel and 1 new master panel
5) Replaces one back panel with one for the new busses etc.
6) Rather than 4 tube boards, 2 of the boards contain all the solid state buss amps and insert