Using the player bar – Moxi Version 4.1 User Manual

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Media Center User Guide

© 2006 by Digeo, Inc. All rights reserved.

Using Moxi


Using the player bar

The player bar appears whenever you press a playback control button
(see figure 13) and provides information about the duration of the
program and your current playback state (see figure 14).

Figure 13: Playback controls

The player bar shows you the program begin and end time (or the
duration of a recorded program), the current time, and the amount of
the program stored in temporary memory. The playing state of the
program is shown (rewind, fast-forward, pause, slow-motion, play, or
recording). The amount stored in memory is shown in blue.

When you start watching a show, the media center begins storing it in
temporary memory. The amount of temporary memory varies, but is

never less than 30 minutes (10 minutes for HDTV). When you change
channels, temporary memory may be cleared.

Figure 14: Features of the player bar

If you are watching a live program, you can use the playback controls,
such as rewind or replay, on any portion of the show stored in tempo-
rary memory. To record it along with the remainder of the show, press
rec, and then press OK.

To activate slow motion press pause, and then press the fast-
forward button once.







Time the show began

Live program

Recorded program

Current time or location

Time the show ends

Player control state

Stored in temporary

Start of the show

Current time or location

Duration of the show

Player control state