Flash photography – Mamiya PRO 645 User Manual
Page 32

When using the Hot-shoe,
be sure to put an appropri-
ate Safety Cover over the X-
sync terminal so that you
won’t receive a high voltage
electric shock if the terminal
is accidentally touched. (A
Safety Cover is put on the X-
sync terminal when the
camera leaves the factory.)
1. When using an electronic flash,
Do not use a flash unit specifi-
plug the synchronization cord into
cally dedicated for another cam-
the Sync Terminal and set the Shutter
era. It may damage your 645 PRO.
Speed Dial to 1/60 sec.
or slower.
If you use a flash unit whose
flash duration is slower than 1/
The Mamiya 645 PRO has an X-
sync terminal.
Attach a shoe-mount flash to the
hot-shoe of the camera or the Left
Hand Grip GL401 (optional).
1000 sec., set the shutter speed
dial to 1/30 sec. or slower.
Flash Synchronization Chart