10 auxiliary menus (continued) – Miller Electric S-74DX User Manual

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OM-1500-9 Page 23

Reset To Factory Settings
A reset menu is displayed if the following four

push buttons are pressed simultaneously:

Program, Sequence, upper display, and Set-

up. The upper display indicates “WIPE” . The

lower display indicates “OFF”. The lower push

button is active indicating that the Adjust con-

trol can be used to change the unit to “WIPE

ON”. When “WIPE ON” is set, if the original

four push buttons are simultaneously pressed

a second time, the unit will reset all settings to

factory default except the arc time and arc

cycle counts. If a reset is not desired, set the

display to “WIPE OFF” and simultaneously

press the Program, Sequence, upper display,

and Setup push buttons to exit the reset menu.
Auxiliary Menu

An auxiliary menu is provided if both the Se-

quence and Setup push buttons are pressed

simultaneously. The Setup push button and

sequence push button LEDS flash when the

auxiliary menu is displayed.

Pushing the Setup push button will step

through the menu. Pushing the sequence

push button will step through the menu in re-



The auxiliary menu may be exited at any

time by pressing both the Sequence push

button and the Setup push buttons simul-


V-Min And V-Max

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

allows the setting of the manual override

power source min and max voltage preset

range. The minimum voltage is displayed in

the upper display and the lower display indi-

cates “VMIN”. When the Setup push button

is pressed the unit displays the maximum

voltage setting of the welding power source.

The maximum voltage is displayed in the up-

per display and the lower display indicates


In both cases, the Adjust control is used to

specify the minimum and maximum voltage

settings of the welding power source. The set-

tings correspond to arc voltage obtained at

minimum command and arc voltage obtained

at maximum command.
This method of setting “VMIN” and “VMAX”

may be used if the power source being used

is not listed in the Power Source Selection



If a default power source has already been
selected with the Power Source Selection

menu, setting “VMIN” and “VMAX” will

override the default power source set-



The power source selection menu must
be set to “OFF” when overriding the de-

fault “VMIN” or “VMAX” settings.

Power Source Selection Menu

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

allows the Power Source Selection menu to

be disabled or enabled.

The upper display shows “PSS”. Lower dis-

play shows “On” or “Off”. The Adjust Control is

used to select either “On” or “Off”.

Arc Time

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

displays arc time in hours.

Arc time is indicated by the Program display

showing “HR”. Arc time is shown in the lower


If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

displays the number of cycles.

Arc cycles are indicated by the Program dis-

play showing “CL”. The arc cycle count is

shown in the lower display.

If the Setup button is pressed, the unit allows

setting the run-in modes. The run-in modes

are program specific. Each program may be

set to its own run-in mode.

The upper display indicates “RUNI”. The

lower display indicates “AUTO”, meaning the

factory set automatic run-in speed is se-

Pressing the lower display button allows a

manual setting the run-in wire speed. Speed

may be adjusted from 10% to 100% of weld

wire speed.
Pressing the lower display button allows dis-

abling of the run-in feature. When the lower

display indicates “OFF” run-in is disabled.

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

allows burnback time to be set.

Burnback time and voltage can be specified

when the lower display indicates “BURN” and

the upper display indicates the burnback time

or voltage. The Adjust control is used to set the

desired burnback time or voltage. Burnback

settings, like run-in settings, are program spe-

cific. The active program is displayed in the

Program display and can be adjusted (see

Section 6-3).
Trigger Hold Setup

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

allows trigger hold delay time to be set.

Trigger hold delay time is indicated by ”HOLD”

in the lower display and the hold delay time in

the upper display. The adjust control can be

used to specify a new delay time for trigger

hold. Trigger hold delay time is the minimum

amount of time the trigger must be held for trig-

ger hold to work when the trigger is released

(the trigger hold function must be on). For ex-

ample, if a trigger hold delay time of 2.0 sec-

onds is defined, the operator must hold the

trigger for at least 2 seconds before releasing

it in order for the trigger hold function to work.

Once the trigger hold function is in effect, the

wire feeder will stay On until the trigger is

pressed and released again.

There is an additional function built in called

”maximum trigger hold time” which is the

maximum length of time the trigger can be

held and the trigger hold function still work

when the trigger is released (the trigger hold

function must be on). The maximum trigger

hold time is set at 4.0 seconds after the trig-

ger hold delay time. For example, if a trigger

hold delay time of 2.0 seconds is defined,

and the operator held the trigger in for more

than 6.0 seconds, the trigger hold function

would not be in effect and the wire feeder

would stop when the trigger is released.

When the Setup push button is pressed

again, the menu repeats to the first menu

selection of run-in wire speed selection.

Trigger Program Select

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

allows Trigger Program Select to be dis-

abled or enabled.

The upper display shows “TSEL”. Lower dis-

play shows “On” or “Off”. The Adjust Control is

used to select either “On” or “Off”.
Trigger Program Select allows the operator to

select programs by clicking the trigger (pulling

and releasing the trigger in a maximum of 0.2

seconds). The feeder will switch between any

programs that have a minimum of 0.2 seconds

of preflow time set in the weld sequence. If pro-

grams 1 and 3 have a minimum of 0.2 seconds

of preflow time, clicking the trigger will toggle

between programs 1 and 3. If programs 1, 2,

and 4 have a minimum of 0.2 seconds of pre-

flow time, clicking the trigger will switch from 1

to 2 to 4 to 1 to 2. Any combination of programs

may be used. Trigger Program Select cannot

be used while welding or with Dual Schedule.
Process Select
Process selection indicated by ”PROS” in the

upper display is set to either ”VOLT” or ”TRIM”

in the lower display. Each program can be se-

lected be be a MIG program indicated by

”VOLT” or a pulsing program indicated by

Range Locks
Range locks are indicated by “LOCK” in the

upper display for wire speed or “LOCK” in the

lower display for voltage range. In a MIG pro-

gram, the voltage range lock ranges from 0 to

10 volts. In a pulse program, the trim range

lock ranges from 0 to 100. The wire feed speed

range lock ranges from 0 to 250 ipm. Locks are

program dependent and wire speed is inde-

pendent from voltage or trim.
Wire Feed Speed Units
Wire feed speed setting indicated by “WFS” in

the upper display is set to “IPM” inches−per−

minute or ”MPM” meters−per−minute. This

setting is independent of the program se-


If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit

allows OPT1 to be disabled or enabled.

The upper display shows “OPT1”. Lower dis-

play shows “On” or “Off”. The Adjust Control is

used to select either “On” or “Off”.
“OPT1” is used by the Water Flow Shutdown

Option to stop the weld sequence if water flow

to a water cooled gun is interrupted. A closed

set of contacts between pins 1 and 2 of RC26

on Interface Board (PC20) will allow feeder to

operate normally. Opening the contacts will

stop the weld sequence and display “ERR” in

the upper display and “OPT1” in the lower dis-


6-10 Auxiliary Menus (Continued)