MK Sound MPS-1611P User Manual
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Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the MPS-1611P. This Miller & Kreisel Professional powered monitor is
designed to provide many years of accurate and problem free operation.
We encourage you to read this owner's manual, as there is a great deal of information provided here to help you get the
best possible performance from your new M&K Professional monitor.
If you have any questions regarding any Miller & Kreisel Professional products, please contact your M&K Professional
Dealer, or call the M&K Professional factory directly at (818) 701-7010, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time. We will be more
than happy to help you with any question, no matter how simple or complex it may be. Additional information may also be found
on our website or email us at [email protected].
Our design philosophy is that accurate and lifelike sound and music reproduction takes place when your ears, in effect,
become the recording microphones. Our monitors are designed to allow you to hear precisely what the microphones heard,
placing you as close or as far away from the music or sound source as the recording engineer placed the microphones. To
achieve this, your M&K monitors are specifically designed and engineered to produce imaging in front of themselves.
Too many so-called "music" loudspeakers are designed with a philosophy that all recordings should sound as if the music
comes from a stage 10 or 20 rows distant, even if a recording is closely miked with performers as close as a few inches from a
microphone (as is often done on film soundtracks, especially for dialog). This "homogenizing" effect of “music” loudspeakers
may be pleasant for some music recordings, but it inaccurately reproduces both close-miked recordings and those recordings
that accurately capture the acoustic space of a recording site. This is why many "music" speakers do so poorly when trying to
reproduce both the intensity and intimacy of closely miked sound effects and dialog on today's best soundtracks. This is also
why most “music” speaker mixes do not “translate” well outside their own mix environment.
As an audiophile recording engineer and a high-end loudspeaker designer, my strong belief has always been that a good
loudspeaker should accurately and realistically reproduce whatever the microphone captured, whether the source is a human
voice, a musical instrument, an explosion, car crash, etc.; including the depth and acoustic ambiance of the environment in
which the source was recorded. This is one key reason why a mix done on an M&K monitor translates so well into any other
listening environment from a dubbing stage to a home theater.
Ken Kreisel
Co-Founder and CEO
Miller & Kreisel Sound, Inc.
Designed to match the same exacting acoustic standards as the critically acclaimed M&K Professional MPS-2510P, the
MPS-1611P features a 100 watt amplifier for the midrange-woofer and a 50 watt amplifier for the tweeter. The speaker’s active
design provides improved sound quality, wider dynamic range, and a higher output than a passive speaker design due to the
elimination of signal losses that occur when high level signals pass through a passive crossover network.
The MPS-1611P’s extraordinary accuracy and flatness in both the frequency and phase domains assures critical listeners
of precision monitoring for extended lengths of time without listener fatigue. The MPS-1611P is a bi-amplified reference moni-
tor intended for critical listening applications in the near to mid-field listening environment. It is suitable for both stereo and mul-
tichannel applications, and can be used either as a stand-alone “full-range” monitor, or in combination with any of M&K
Professional’s powered subwoofers.
Thanks to M&K’s “Unplug & Play” Backfire Bass Port, the MPS-1611P has the flexibility to be used with or without an M&K
Professional powered subwoofer. This unique M&K design allows the speaker to be used as either a sealed cabinet suitable
for satellite/subwoofer configurations or as a stand alone, “full-range” ported system. Located on the back baffle is a tapered
cabinet port that is provided with a removable plug. When the plug is in place, the speaker is a sealed cabinet. To convert the
speaker to its ported configuration, the user simply removes the plug, hence “Unplug & Play!”
The MPS-1611P’s Backfire Bass Port is positioned on the back baffle of the speaker cabinet which extends and improves
the port performance.
This two-way monitor uses a new M&K high-output ferrofluid cooled 1" Fabric Dome Transmission Line tweeter. The
Transmission Line is a proprietary, self-contained absorptive tube which both loads and absorbs the tweeter dome’s backwave