10 your first run – MegaTech AfterBurner User Manual

Page 10

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for another full tank of fuel. Be careful not to maneuver it too harshly or

use any more than half throttle.

To adjust the high speed needle valve, carefully turn the high speed needle

valve clockwise 1/8 of a turn at a time. This allows the engine to run

faster and at a higher pitch sound. Your vehicle will now run faster and



When you begin operating your AfterBurner, it might be wise to hold the

radio horizontal to the ground with the wheel side up. Then the wheel acts

like a steering wheel in a car (see Figure 15)


Turn the wheel right and the

car goes right. Turn the wheel left and the car goes left. If you fi nd your

AfterBurner going to one direction or another without any steering input,

you will need to adjust the steering trim. Simply turn the steering trim

knob in the opposite direction that the AfterBurner is pulling (See Steering

Trim on page 7).

If the vehicle requires excessive amounts of trim, check

for damage, loose parts or excessive wear in the steering parts.

Once you are able to keep the engine running (with the glow plug

ignitor attached if necessary) at a reliable ultra-rich idle, run two full

tanks of fuel through the engine at the rich idle setting.

If the cylinder head temperature gets too hot (260 degrees F), shut

down the engine, let it cool completely and start again.

After you complete the break in, the low speed needle valve can now

be adjusted for performance. Start by running the throttle at idle

for 2 seconds. Then apply full throttle briefl y and carefully listen

to the engine. If it accelerates slowly with lots of smoke and liquid

drops of fuel, your air-fuel mix is too rich and you should turn the

low speed needle valve clockwise 1/8 of a turn at a time until the

engine accelerates briskly and reliably. Retest the throttle after each


After this is set correctly, slowly increase the engine speed to

approximately 50% of full throttle. Adjust the high speed needle

valve so the engine again runs as richly as possible. (You actually

want it to be producing lots of oily smoke and spitting oil droplets

from the exhaust).

Run your AfterBurner on a smooth surface at low to medium speed


Your First Run

Your First Run