Foreword – Microtest VIRTUAL CD v3 User Manual
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Thank you for choosing Virtual CD network edition. We have incorporated
some new features in this third version of our award-winning program, and
are sure it will live up to the expectations of our users. Many of the new fun-
ctions we have integrated were inspired by suggestions that users have
made - we'd like to thank you all for your input!
This manual provides you with an introduction to Virtual CD, but does not
contain a full description of the software. For detailed information, please
refer to the on-line Help.
Important note:
If you use VCD3 with CD-ROMs that are under license and you create multiple virtual images of
such CDs, or if you use a physical CD and a virtual version of the same CD simultaneously on
different computers, you may be in violation of the software licensing agreement that applies to
a given CD. Make sure you read the licensing agreements supplied with your original CDs for
detailed information.
Copyright 2000 by Microtest GmbH. All rights reserved.
Copyrights on the software, the Virtual CD trademark and all corresponding documentation are
owned by Microtest GmbH. In the US, Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. The names of products mentioned in this manual are used for identification
purposes and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their manufacturers.